Feb 15, 2021


As we all logged into the club's 2021 AGM via zoom no one was aware of the stunt that both Sean Furlong & myself had been planning for a long time. Our leader (Hobes) and myself had sat down and discussed which of our 2020 volunteers had gone up and beyond the call of duty well that wasn't an easy process. We started out with ex number of awards and then we quickly agreed we needed more wards due to the outstanding work of our fabulous volunteers. Both Sean and I were well aware of the tireless energy our chairman has he's relentless it's endless the constant emails the thousands of messages then there's the meetings, yes meeting after bloody meeting not forgetting the phone calls "can we meet at the clubhouse" 🤣 we love him and where would we be without him...? On a personal note we feed off one another and equally we don't mind telling one another to either slowdown or we need to look at this differently because we trust & totally respect one another yes it's a "bromance" and we don't mind who knows because It works because we have the same work ethos. So after a couple of Jack Daniel's with our Sean we decided to catch him out at the AGM under AOB any other business. So when Sean who was running the AGM went into AOB that's when we pounced to announce that our 2020 Inspirational Volunteer of the year was Mark Hobin. I think the saying is "Hook Line & Sinker" as he never had a clue and we need to thank his dad David and his beautiful wife Leanne for being apart of this wonderful sting Hobes we all love you just bloody slow

down 🤣😍😍😍😍 The Captain Billy Vaughan xxxxx