***Breaking news*** this evening and further development as part of our One Team One Dream journey.
To further enhance the facilities at Scholes Lane for our children and to facilitate winter training, the club are delighted to announce that we have, today, received full planning permission to install 12 floodlights. The main condition is that they must be switched off at the latest - 2200hrs.
We would like to thank all the key stakeholders and residents who have been fully consulted, and to our project manager David Hobin who has been instrumental in this latest development.
Stage 2 is to now to obtain the necessary funding and then complete the installation in summer. Anyone wishing to support the funding are encouraged to contact the club directly.
David stated, “This is another major step forward to giving our club the facilities it deserves. For many years the coaches and fellow volunteers have had to try and source external venues, often at further expense to our parents. We need to attract investors now but if the loyal volunteers keep working hard, I’m confident we can turn this project into reality. Next project maybe an all seater stadium, ha!”
Chairman Mark Hobin added, “This planning permission approval provides us with the opportunity to keep the children in familiar surroundings for a majority of the year. That is important to the children’s development and our player retention during the close season. A lot of hard work has gone into getting us to this stage but we have a significant chunk of work ahead. Our volunteers have proven time after time that we accept challenges and meet them head on. Huge thanks to David for his expertise and to St Helens Council for affording us this opportunity to make another difference to our club and our community.” 💚💛
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