And now I may share the news…..📣
Hot on the heels of the most memorable of days at our 1st birthday bash yesterday was a quick turnaround and set up for another historic and memorable day.
Several weeks ago, I was contacted by ClubMatters and Sport England and informed that our club had been selected to feature in a National video case study. This was ahead of all other community sports teams, across all other sporting activities, across the whole country! Little old Portico Vine from a postcode within St Helens Borough Council😲
The production crew from Beatmedia arrived with cameras aplenty and spent the whole day talking to, and interviewing, our volunteers, capturing match action, capturing many of the ’behind the scenes’ actions and recording the phenomenal work that goes into setting us apart. 🎥
They will tell our story, about our club, about our journey, our culture, our values and our people. 🥰
Today, Portico Vine have been labelled as the ‘Gold Standard’ of community clubs by Sport England. Not just within Rugby Football League but all sports, across the whole country. This is simply down to our volunteers, players, members, sponsors and supporters 👏🏼🏆
“What you do for yourself will be forgotten when you’re gone but the things you do for others, will forever be your legacy” 💚💛