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Busy Doing Nothing.

Well what a last month an a half this has all been with so much going on.

So I'll open up with an apology to everyone in case I leave anything out..!

We have an army of volunteers who are incredible and how do I know this well its quite simple.

I constantly have to write to people such as sponsors & funding bodies talking about you all including our kids and tell them what you do and what we have achieved.

It's only then when you put it all into words then proof read it back that you realise what an amazing army we have and what an achievement this year has been.

Most businesses & other bodies such as ourselves have had to close down, some because of Covid-19 and others by choice.

We made a very brave decision to carry on under strict Covid-19 control measures we created a safety health & hygiene document that clearly outlined how we would implement the control measures with the praise of the RFL.

We have signed our new 25yr lease enabling us to strive forward with our Rugby World Cup bid that will see a new extension to our clubhouse virtually doubling the size of the clubhouse.

Also this weekend myself and our chairman Hobes will be giving our direct neighbours a consultation document so their all kept up to speed with developments.

We have had a new central heating system installed in the clubhouse.

The fab four Gaz Friar Anthony Rotherham Kieran Lacey & Paul Houston have designed a new kit ready for our return to rugby.

We are reviewing our Covid-19 control measures ready for our return and the coaching staff are putting a return to rugby strategy plan together determining how we maintain the correct requirements.

It's a this point I have to yet again commend our NHS for their dedication & bravery in dealing with the pandemic.

Tonight at 6:30 we have our first OFFLOAD session with Saint's community foundation team with an online zoom meeting about the Male Mental Health programme.

We are the first local amateur club to be chosen by Saint's to participate.

We have also been chosen by Saint's to be the first local amateur club to feature our own club video on their website which will also feature a recruitment poster and a story all about the club how good is that, little Portico have come a long way and made a big impact.

We've also had a monumental moment in time as our leader comrade Hobes was 40 last week and his lovely wife Leanne conducted a "Sting " on Hobes by asking for people to send short videos of best wishes to Hobes.

This I can tell you reduced our tough nut Bobby to tears 😭 so thank you to everyone who supported Leanne & Hobes.

Finally each week I phone various people within the club's volunteers group, now the police have asked me to stop doing this but I'm going to carry on anyway 🤣

Seriously I call people to see how they and their families are doing and ask if we can help in any way as these are very trying times.

Now the people will remain nameless and the conversations will always be confidential.

All apart from one I rung Craig Stanton today Craig helps Chris Lyon with the U8s and we had a fabulous catch up and I'm glad to say Craig and his family care well.

During our conversation we were talking about the refurbishment of the clubhouse and Craig said Billy I'm so sorry I haven't been down to help but I've been really busy at work.

Craig is an NHS key worker someone who has put his life on the line for so many others and I suppose without thinking of himself.

I can't tell you how I felt, for one moment I felt embarrassed and then I quickly felt immense pride.

Thank you Craig and once again thank you to all our NHS key workers.


The Captain x

(Billy Vaughan Vice Chairman)

Craig Stanton


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