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We have just received the latest guidance from the RFL. It is surmised below with some additional club led decisions contained within. We apologise for some of the bluntness but it is imperative as part of our duty of care to our cherished members.

New legislation - 14th September 2020

We have had confirmation that we (as a club at arranged and managed training sessions) are exempt from the ‘6’ person gathering legislation as we are deemed as Covid secure involved in a sport that has had a return to play action plan approved by Government. This is heavily reliant on RFL guidance and all our internal measures being strictly adhered to at all times, without exception. Failure to do so may result in the whole sport, not just our club or our county being suspended. Increased compliance checks will commence next week. This must be a OneTeamOneDream approach.


Absolute earliest commencement for community games will be the weekend of 10/11th October but this is subject to constant and daily, local, regional and national review.

Any player who has not had a return to play assessment submitted to the club will be unable to take part. Please ensure this is done via your teams lead coach. Closing date 30th September 2020.

Please ensure subscription fees are set up before this date too.

Winter Training

No training or match activity will take place during from and inclusive of 1st December 2020 (00:01) and 1st January 2021 (00:01hrs).


A session plan must continue to be provided for every training event hosted without exception. These must be sent to Anthony Rotherham who is collating.

We must continue to be able to prove who worked with who during the sessions so a reminder any 1 v 1 contact should be with same partner.

A register of all attendees (players and spectators) must continue to be sent to our Covid-19 lead, April McBride.

All other previous correspondence and mitigation measures continue to be a MUST. All of the above will be subject to regular review and you will be updated accordingly.

As ever, we remain available for clarification via your coaching volunteers.

Hobes and Billy💚💛


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