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AGM - Friday 5th Feb 2021 (virtual)

As per the club’s constitution, the term of office for the senior committee is 2 years. Having been elected last year, I am delighted to reveal that the following volunteers have agreed to remain in post as we continue to drive Portico Vine ARLFC forward:

Chairman: Mark Hobin

Vice Chairman: Billy Vaughan

Secretary: Sean Furlong

Treasurer: Angela Thomas

Head of Fundraising: Paul Collingwood

Head Groundsman: Ian Skerry

Two vacancies became available in 2020 after the AGM - the roles of Head Coach and Deputy Head Coach.

The elected committee filled these roles with the approval of Gaz Friar as Head Coach and Anthony Rotherham as Deputy Head Coach.

Both Gaz and Anthony will stand for election in their respective roles having sourced an approver which is seconded. I would like to thank them both for the work they have done to date during the most challenging of times.

If anybody else wishes to stand for either of the roles, please can you inform the club Secretary before 31st January 2021.

Hope to see you joining us at the AGM 💚💛


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