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***Thank You - Cath Earl***💚💛

The support to the kids, young adults and the local community requires hours and hours of effort and financial support through fundraising and the kindness of companies, organisations and individual donations.

Whilst every club would welcome thousands of pounds in donations of support, we rely on the generosity of many people providing time and equipment support to the club and the locals.

A great example is the fantastic support by Cath Earl - a highly respected Personal & Corporate Professional Success coach in the UK who had no direct link to the club but wanted to provide some form of help to our club.

She has provided:

1) a gazebo in club colours for use on matchdays and fundraising events

2) a raffle prize of free coaching sessions for a lucky winner


3) a group session for Portico Vine ARLFC Open Age team to provide success coaching that can be used in their daily lives, workplace and as part of the rugby team.

It is the generosity of people like Cath who provide the opportunities for the club to 'Work With the community, For the community'.

A huge thank you Cath - your will help make a massive difference 💚💛


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