**Update on our Return to Training**
Good evening all and all the best for 2021.
Yesterday we received the below from the RFL which was re-distributed by the North West Counties.
The links detailed within the article can be found by contacting our Head Coach Gaz Friar, his deputy Anthony Rotherham or via Google.
We always have, and always will continue to respect the decision of the players, the families and the coaches, but the RFL state and therefore the club must insist on the following if any training session should take place week commencing 4th January....
a) Session plans must be in place which must clearly define what activity is permissible and for how long. As we are starting to see in other settings such as schools it is important that clubs can identify what close contact if any has occurred at each session and who may be affected to assist with any subsequent Test and Trace efforts.
b) Social Distancing guidelines must always be adhered to on and off the pitch except during those narrow windows during sessions where medium risk activity is permitted. It will be challenging to maintain standards as increased contact is phased in but vital.
c) Similarly, please ensure hygiene standards are maintained and rules around ensuring a Covid-19 secure venue are being observed.
d) As previously included in the infographics and coaching cards Clubs are reminded that there is a maximum number of people that can be on a Rugby League pitch at any one time. The current limit is 30 and should include any coaching staff. NB. Clubs are not allowed to split the pitch in half and run two sessions, of 30, at the same time.
e) Reminder that only one parent should attend any training session – this is for safeguarding reasons.
It is essential that all the protocols are adhered to, any reported breaches to these protocols will result in a misconduct charge against the Club.
“Following yesterday’s Government announcement that the majority of the country will move into Tiers 3 and 4 we wanted to provide a reminder of Tier implications for community rugby league.
The four-tier system of restrictions is now in place to counter the steep rise in coronavirus (Covid-19) cases.
There are different restrictions, depending on what alert tier an area is in:
Medium (tier 1)
High (tier 2)
Very high (tier 3)
Stay at home (tier 4)
To find out what alert tier your area is in, click here and enter your postcode.
A live list of the areas that fall within each tier can be found on the government’s website.
Please see below for guidance on what can and can’t be done in each Tier.
· Clubs in Tier 3 can, from the 4th January, recommence training in accordance with our Return to Play plan issued on the 17th December. This allows the introduction of limited contact into training in the first 2 weeks of January and then full contact in week 3 and 4.
· Clubs in a Tier 4 area should cancel any upcoming adult training.
· Rugby League activity in Tier 4 areas can continue for U18s (including those who were under 18 on 31 August 2020) and people with a disability as exemptions are in place.
· Government advice on sports activity in Tier 4 areas is here.
Please see below for a reminder around travel in each tier:
Adult Rugby League
· Adult players living in Tier 3 can only travel within their own specific Tier 3 area to train or play. (See above for Government website areas)
· Adult players living in Tier 3 cannot travel into another Tier 3 area (or other Tiers) to train or play (which includes their own club if it is in a different geographic area).
· Adult rugby League is not permitted in Tier 4.
· Under-18’s may, due to Government exemptions for U18s, travel across tiers 1-3 to train or play and can be accompanied by one parent or carer.
· Under-18’s players in Tier 4 may only travel within their specific Tier 4 area to train and may only be accompanied by one parent or carer.
· Volunteers (including coaches) may travel across Tiers 1-3, where necessary, to enable participation to take place. However, to protect all involved, we strongly recommend this is kept to an absolute minimum.
· Volunteers (including coaches) living in Tier 4 should only travel within their specific Tier 4 area to enable participation to take place for U18s ONLY.
Local Restrictions
We are aware of one local authority, Kirklees, that have amended their definition of close contact. Our Medium Risk activity (Touch, Tag etc) has been defined, by Kirklees, as a close contact so in the event there are any positive cases players may be asked to self-isolate. This is something Clubs will need to consider.
It is essential that Clubs review and comply with any local authority restrictions.
Sport England FAQ’s
Sport England have updated their frequently asked questions which may assist you. These can be found HERE.
Whilst this is once again disappointing that further restrictions have been introduced it is important that we ensure we follow the government guidelines and our own guidelines which can be found HERE.
As always, we will continue to update you when we receive further information from Government.”